Mineral “Granat”
People have always tried to explain natural phenomena that are incomprehensible to them as fantastic. Such is the case with the mineral “Granat”, which is the size of black pepper and the color of wine, and can be found not far from the Crmnica village of Brijega.
There is a legend that even in ancient times it was customary to pour the first poured wine into the forest at the time of grape harvest as a gratitude and gift to the goddess of the earth. A jug of that wine would always be carried by some young girl. One year, a girl caught up in the task finds herself in the woods in the dark. Out of great fear, she dropped the jug and it shattered. At the place where the wine spilled, the ground produced a “granat”. The story goes on to say that after an unfortunate event, this tradition was broken and a new one was created: as an amulet for good fruit, these tiny crystals are collected and stored in the first jug of young wine.